Found this walking on my sons car and just had to post it. Thought it was a twig at first and went to brush it off. It is known as a Walking Stick. I usually see one or two a year. They hide very well! Not sure why this one exposed itself. Love the tough shadow! It was about 4 inches long.
Brown and green twig like colours to camouflage itself.
Northern Walking Stick Insects or Diapheromera femorata are a species of Phasmids coming from the order of insects called Phasmatodea. The Northern Walking Stick is one of the few non-tropical Phasmids and are native to North America. They grow to about three or four inches long and are vegetarians. Their colors range from green to brown.
I do love these!
Neat, Lorac! Don't think I have ever seen one, but would love to!!
Amazing. Never seen one of those
Would have loved to come across that when teaching, it would have had so many curious admirers!
Wow! I have heard of them, but never seen one! What a clear photo you got when this guy forgot about camoflage!
I didn't know you had these so far north. Interesting.
Lovely and what a neat shadow
What a beautiful creature, and so large.. we have lots of them around here in the rainy season, and I do love the name..
I've been going back,trying to catch up! What a wonderful assortment of photos - your reflections, waters, skies and even old boats!
I've never seen one except in pictures. What an amazing insect! - Margy
Your photography is always amazing.
In my recent post, I mentioned you and your blog. See for yourself:
How interesting and very amazing..
I've never seen one of these before,never knew we had them in Canada (as i'm from canada 2) Amazing!!! You Learn Something New Everyday!!! DeeDee