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SkyWatch Friday/Weekend Reflections

Posted by Lorac Thursday, 27 May 2010

The skies have been lovely here. Mostly sunny, some cloud  and hot! 31Celsius yesterday! Everything is a vibrant green, nature is flourishing for now. The thought is though, we are going to have a very hot summer with little rain. There is plenty of blue above and green below at Luther Lake.

I love to look at the sky reflected on the water surface. It gives us another world to see, one for the imagination.

A Canadian Beaver swims her way around a pond reflecting the world she lives in.

SkyWatch from Your Skywatch Team: Klaus, Sandy, Wren ,Fishing Guy,Sylvia, great hosts with many wonderful posts. Weekend Reflections  is hosted by James at Newtown Area Photo.


  1. Would you believe I have never seen a beaver in the wild? Sadly it's true. Luther Mash, eh? I'll have to go there!

  2. photokerstin Says:
  3. Lovely pictures!

  4. KaHolly Says:
  5. Well, it's still cold and windy here in Atlantic Canada, so I will have to be satisfied enjoying your beautiful landscape! ~karen

  6. Lorac Says:
  7. EG WOW, this is the first time I have been close enough to photo one too!

    photkerstin, thank you1

    Ka Holly I hope the weather turns for you soon!

  8. Tammie Lee Says:
  9. each photo is wonderful and how cool that you captured a beaver photo.

  10. 31! We are still under 20 with clouds and showers. But I guess we stole all the good weather last year, so fair is fair. - Margy

  11. Pearl Maple Says:
  12. Nice photos for Sky Watch Friday and all the nicer for your addition of a beaver, they are a unique little animal. Saw on the news a few weeks ago that up north the beavers had constructed a huge dam that could be seen for space, now that would be really cool to see.

  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Wonderful shot of the beaver - saw my first beaver in a pond below a friends house on Vancouver Island where I was on vacation - thanks for the memories.

  15. Lorac Says:
  16. Tammie lee, many thanks!

    Margy, you did too! lol! hope it turns nicefor you.

    Pearl Maple, I will have to read about that!That is cool.

    Rob this is the first time I was close neough for pics!

  17. eden Says:
  18. Beautiful captures. And my favourite is the beaver shot. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Al Says:
  20. That's a nice reflection of the sky on the water. I can see the clouds on the water and look who's peeping on the water? Cute beaver!

  21. Lorac Says:
  22. Eden, me too!

    Al, I know, isnt he cute?

  23. Lorac: Loved the reflection and it was so neat to see the beaver.

  24. Lorac Says:
  25. Thnaks Fishing Guy!

  26. It all looks so beautiful :)

  27. It all looks so beautiful :)

  28. Tania Says:
  29. Beautiful photos and great reflection! Look so peaceful on the photo nr 2.
    Wish you a great weekend:-)

  30. ohmigod, so cute critter inside the lake!
    This is a lovely scenery, peaceful landscape and your pictures are fabulous!
    Happy weekend REflections
    Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

  31. Carolyn Ford Says:
  32. I have NEVER seen a beaver, that I can remember, in the wild! How fun it would be to see this guy and have a camera too. He is the perfect reflection of the world you live in. What a gorgeous stretch of land, water and sky!

  33. I was especially intrigued with the photo of the Canadian beaver! What a catch! And your other reflection photos are wonderful, too--they fill my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  34. Lorac Says:
  35. Mike, I appreciate your compliment!Thanks!

    Cezar/Leia- Glad you liked the critter! Happy Weekend Reflections too!

    Carolyn, I have seen quite a few but never close enough to get a good picture. I was really pleased this time!

    Beth, that was very gracious, thank you!

  36. Sylvia K Says:
  37. Oh, I love the beaver in the wild, never been able to do that and what a fabulous shot! I do love those watery reflections and yours are terrific! Have a wonderful weekend, Lorac!


  38. James Says:
  39. These are just the type of things that I love seeing on my walks. It looks like we had similar hot weather yesterday but at least your sky looked nicer. I enjoyed these pictures very much.

  40. Nefertiti Says:
  41. tres jolies photos,bravo !

    bon w end

  42. Regina Says:
  43. Amazing skies and reflections!
    Enjoy the weekend.

  44. Beautiful reflection photo's. Great sights

  45. Great photo of a beaver!!!! I have been trying to capture one forever on my camera. Loved this!

  46. Lorac Says:
  47. Sylvia- Thank you! Have a great weekend too!

    James - It has been scorchimg here and very humid. Thank goodness for the rain last night to cool things down a little!

    Nefertiti- Merci! Bon w end aussi!

    Regina- Have a great weekend!

    Riet- Thnak you! Loved yours too!

    Retired One- Me too! I was pretty happy with this one. She just watched me while she swam around the pond.

  48. Woody Says:
  49. I like the middle shot. The landscape is cool with the trees and the reflection is beautiful.

  50. Jenn Jilks Says:
  51. They are weird little rodents, but love to figure out what they are doing! Thanks for visiting My Muskoka. P.S. Yes, stay away from Huntsville! They don't want you there. :-)

  52. Dimple Says:
  53. These are nice shots. I really like the one of the beaver!

    Thanks for the visit!

  54. Dianne Says:
  55. I really love the clouds reflected in the water surrounded by the green of the marsh

  56. Lorac Says:
  57. Woody - Glad you like that reflection shot!

    Jenn - that's waht it looks like!LOL

    Dimple - Thanks, glad you like her!

    Dianne, I was pleased when I found it!

  58. Lori ann Says:
  59. Beautiful photos! i love seeing the beaver, it looks kind of like our otters.

  60. Ebie Says:
  61. Wow, the lake gave a beautiful reflection of the clouds. The beaver looks so refreshed!

    Enjoy and stay cool. We are in the mid 80's this weekend (Los Angeleles), and no clouds today.

  62. Thanks for the beaver. I lived in Canada for a few years, and have not seen a beaver.

  63. Anonymous Says:
  64. Ooooh, love the beaver. I wonder what he sees from under the water ... does he see the reflections? Or the distorted reality???

  65. quilly Says:
  66. Beautiful scenery. I love the beaver post. How lucky you were to see it and what a great shot you got.

  67. Serline Says:
  68. What a lovely day and tranquil scenery. Great reflection shot!

  69. Judy Says:
  70. I love the reflection of the clouds and the sky in the water! I am always amazes that the reflection can be so perfect when there seems to be light overcast in the sky!
    And I envy your walk and drive in the next post - you sure had a good time on your own!!

  71. Lindy Says:
  72. Beautiful skywatch post and love that reflection in the second photo. Needless to say, the close up of the beaver is fantastic!


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Georgetown, Ontario, Canada
I have lived in Georgetown for 37 years but have traveled around a great deal. I own my own business which takes a lot of my time but try to blog as much as possible! I love to take pictures, no training, just a love of photography. Enjoy the pics but please do not copy them.
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