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Olympic Torch Relay - Scenic Sunday

Posted by Lorac Saturday 19 December 2009

This morning was a little warmer at -12C. It was 6:45 am and I was waiting for the Olympic torch to run through my town, Georgetown. I never had an opportunity to witness this before. I was not going to miss this one.

The streets were lined with people, cameras were ready, children on Dad's shoulders, all waiting to see this historic event. There was a procession of vehicles before the torch bearer. The local police, RCMP, Olympic security all there to ensure everyone kept put of the way of the coming vehicles. Next came two Sponsor Coke trucks all decked out with music and flashing lights and the other sponsor, RBC, had their own van with loudspeakers and music. Lots of people having fun on these trucks!! An Olympic van carrying the relay torch bearers came into view, stopped and let the next  relay runner out  right where I was.


 Soon the torch bearer came into sight. The one that the van had let off was waiting on the street, to meet him and light his torch. I was standing right at a transfer of the torch to another runner! That was pretty cool! Every one involved with the torch relay had the official Olympic clothing. They looked great!

The crowd cheered as the torch was lit! It was amazing to see!.

A very short ceremony switching runners and then he was off down the road to the next torch bearer!

It was great to see such a large turnout! There were all ages and all abilities there to greet the relay of the Torch! The torch will go all around the Greater Toronto area for the next two days and then on it's way across the country. Good luck Torch Bearers across Canada!

There was a celebration going on in the arena with scheduled events through out the day but I was already freezing and headed for my car to warm up. I thought I would go and see how the work on the 105 year old train bridge just north of town was going. They are building right over the original supporting structure to enable the addition of a new line. I thought the local deer population must be spooked with all the work going on down there.

As I was staring to drive away a sun-dog caught my eye. Sun-dogs are the sun lights reflection on ice crystals in the air, I see them on and off throughout the winter. They are short lived but pretty.

That was my skies for today. To see more skies from around the world got to Scenic Sunday!


  1. A very interesting collection of photos! I don't think I have ever seen photos of the Winter Olympics Torch relay! The first photo, in particular, is so very beautiful with light and snow! And love the rainbow in the last one!

  2. Jenn Jilks Says:
  3. How lucky you were right at the right spot! Thanks for sharing the experience.

  4. Eden Says:
  5. Beautiful series of photos. It reminds me of the early morning when we were waiting for th Olympic torch run through our sub-urb before Sydney 2000 Olympic. I was just glad that it wasn't very cold though.

  6. Good pictures - I think the torch arrives in our little town sometime in January - it would be good to go out and support those folks...

  7. Unknown Says:
  8. What an amazing happening, and thanks for sharing. Hugs...x

  9. Susan Ellis Says:
  10. Nice to see so many out so early in the was amazing in Pembroke too...the rally for the relay...
    Great photos!

  11. Carolyn Says:
  12. Our torch day started as early as yours and how exciting it was, I got teary looking at your photos. I too have an old bridge and a sun dog in my Scenic Sunday post today!
    Thanks for sharing and have a great week.

  13. Sahildeki Ev Says:
  14. This is such a special event yo have witnessed. I cant wait the Olimpics to start. Finally something to watch on TV :))

  15. I loved reading this, a very special event. I love the photo with the bridge!!

  16. What a wonderful memory to have. Nice collection of photos - especially the ones with the 'torch'.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  17. Helena Says:
  18. Great photos! Your torch pictures are wonderful. I missed it when it was here, set the alarm to make sure I got up and out of the house and slept right through it. :)

  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. your first sentence made me laugh. warmer? at -12C? :)

  21. HappyK Says:
  22. How exciting to be there in person to see that.
    Great pictures.

  23. Love the sun dog lights...never have seen them before! Fantastic!!

  24. Anonymous Says:
  25. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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Georgetown, Ontario, Canada
I have lived in Georgetown for 37 years but have traveled around a great deal. I own my own business which takes a lot of my time but try to blog as much as possible! I love to take pictures, no training, just a love of photography. Enjoy the pics but please do not copy them.
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