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Scenic Sunday/Weekend Reflections

Posted by Lorac Saturday, 24 April 2010

 This photo for Scenic Sunday was taken at a different time of year here, about a month ahead of where we are now. Found a path off the road and followed it to see where it would come out. I found the most gorgeous site with a waterfall that I adore!!

 I love this window of trees taken in downtown Vancouver this is for this weeks Weekend Reflections .

Scenic Sunday  is a wonderful blog to see the scenes from around the world!
If you love reflections go to Weekend Reflections!


  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Beautiful photos. So many surprises are just around the corner. The waterfall is stunning, and the tree reflection is superb!

  3. cat Says:
  4. What a magical place you found! Great photos both of them :)

  5. Karine Says:
  6. That is indeed en enchanting waterfall and I love the shot through the window too! There's nothing like a tree in front of a window to make any place seem peaceful :o)

  7. Julie Says:
  8. I do like the image of the water tumbling between the rocks. Would love to be there right now listening to the sounds of nature.

  9. The waterfall is like a scene in a secret sanctuary! What fun to find this! And the detail in your window reflection is magnificent!

  10. Matty Says:
  11. The waterfall is a beautiful scene. And I just love the close up of the window reflection. It looks like the real thing.

  12. klahanie Says:
  13. These are great photographs. In fact, you have been a major inspiration in my attempts at trying to use a bit of imagination in my photographic exploits.
    You mention Vancouver. Now I'm getting homesick :-)
    All the best, Gary

  14. Both photos are gorgeous!

  15. short poems Says:
  16. What beautiful scene :)
    Amazing pics!

    marinela x x

  17. Joyful Says:
  18. I love the top photo of the water and greenery...always my fav subject.

  19. eileeninmd Says:
  20. What a beautiful spot you found. It looks very pretty and peaceful. Thanks for sharing and have a great Sunday!

  21. I really like the first photo!

  22. Tania Says:
  23. Beautiful photos and great reflections!
    Wish you a nice week:-)

  24. Very nice nature scenes. Great photos.

  25. Judy Says:
  26. I think that is a great place to relax!!!


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Georgetown, Ontario, Canada
I have lived in Georgetown for 37 years but have traveled around a great deal. I own my own business which takes a lot of my time but try to blog as much as possible! I love to take pictures, no training, just a love of photography. Enjoy the pics but please do not copy them.
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