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Aqua Waters of Georgian Bay at Halfway Log Dump,

Posted by Lorac Sunday 4 July 2010

I love going to Georgian Bay on Lake Huron! The water, colour, and scenery never cease to thrill me!

Today the lakefront was the busiest I have seen it due to the long weekend, but we walked along the waterfront and found a fairly secluded spot due in part to climbing a couple of rock cliffs some were reluctant to go over. This  is part of the Niagara Escarpment and the whole area is made up of limestone. The nature of limestone is to fracture into plates and  this is what you see along the shoreline. Different depths all surrounded by limestone rock. A shallow area like this can suddenly drop off into an abyss 50 feet deep or more.

It certainly provides for extremely interesting and really fun swimming areas.  Today the water was very cold so it took awhile to get in but once in you were so frozen you failed to notice how cold it was! This was probably the coldest I have experienced there. The day was hot so the water was inviting regardless!

My 7 year old grandaughter was loving it! Quite different from the family pool and lots more fun to explore.

The wonderful aquas, blues and greens come from the reflection of the sun on the white limestone under water.

 Son and grandaughters. You took your swims briefly in this water with lots of time for warming up in between!
 My older grandaughter, daughter in law and I take to the heights for a better view.

 A wildflower tenaciously clings to life in the crevasse  in the limestone. A deep hole through the stone shows water many feet below.

 We arrived at 2:30 pm and left just after 8:00 pm. This is the veiw going over the cliffs on the way back. At the stone beachbeyond there is a trail through the bush back to the car. About a 20 min hike through the bush. Adieu, Georgian Bay. Until another day!


  1. Linda Says:
  2. Georgian Bay is a wonderful place to visit. Your photos are lovely. Thanks for visiting my blog and mentioning the Weekend Reflections meme. It sure is a hot and humid day in my part of Ontario, humidex readings are going to reach 40 Celsius in the next couple of days. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Jo Says:
  4. Omigosh, that looks exquisite. It makes me want to jump in.

    We are not having any summer here in Vancouver... *sigh*

  5. Jenn Jilks Says:
  6. How wonderful. Brought a smile to my face in Muskoka. I've been in the sun, lake, garden, and had a fine day.

  7. clairz Says:
  8. As a desert dweller here in New Mexico, I am thrilled to see water photos any time. That second picture is amazing, showing the limestone plates as it does. Thank you for this informative and beautiful post.

  9. Lovely set of photos - looks like a gorgeous day out - my toes would be tempted too!

  10. Arti Says:
  11. Wow!!
    Amazing photographs here!!
    Loved the refreshing!!

  12. Anonymous Says:
  13. Great photos and a really inviting images. But is the water never 'comfortably' warm?

  14. HappyK Says:
  15. Beautiful photos. Fantastic view. I really like the yellow flowers on the rock. That looks a long way down to the water!

  16. Judy Says:
  17. Great shots! I love the ripples in the water, and the way they refract the light, but my favourite shot is the little yellow flower beside the hole looking downward!!

  18. Janie Says:
  19. Great photos of the crystal clear water! Looks like a fun place to do a little snorkling.

  20. Rob Siemann Says:
  21. Looks like a fantastic place. And the video is great fun, as we're actually planning to move to Ontario next year...


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Georgetown, Ontario, Canada
I have lived in Georgetown for 37 years but have traveled around a great deal. I own my own business which takes a lot of my time but try to blog as much as possible! I love to take pictures, no training, just a love of photography. Enjoy the pics but please do not copy them.
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